Confessions of an Escort - Naia - Communication and Consent!

Confessions of an Escort - Naia - Communication and Consent!

Today, Naya, 27 years old, will share her thoughts on sexuality and sex games with us escort from Russia !!

For me, sexuality is one of the most important parts of human relationships. I place great importance on respect and prudence, above all. I love to look into people's eyes and see their story in them, to create a true and deep connection.

Also, generally people, while we talk a lot about sex, don't do it in the "right" way. So in general I think there is a serious issue with sex at the social level. There is too much misinformation or inadequate information.

From when we are teenagers, we are taught that sex has and should have something to do with reproduction. Only with playback. And to be honest 9 the 10 times when thinking about sex or having sex, it just has nothing to do with it !! This leaves quite a few residues later on in our personal and sexual contact with other people.

Personally I don't see sex as an insult !!! I can have sex many times and not even get into the program.

I'm a man of intense sexuality, totally liberated and with a lot of fetishes. I enjoy enjoying my sexual experiences to the fullest and playing.

I love the rimming, like taking a man with my fingers or strap on my. The male anus is an inexhaustible source of pleasure and it is a shame that many men consider it taboo and have not gone through the process of trying such games. They don't know how much fun they lose !!!!

hope in the future to disappear the taboo that says a man who enjoys anal sex is de and well gay and start getting more men to explore their sexuality through such games.

There are generally many taboos around sex and love. Women who like women, the fetish of some people who are sexually attracted to very thick bodies, the likes of transsexual or the Crossdressers etc.

I believe that everyone needs affection, interest, attention and desire. Regardless of their gender, sexual identity and sexual orientation. But sometimes there is a serious issue in the most special human relationships, precisely because we have been told that many things are taboo, they are abnormal coke.

When I was younger, I had many sexual encounters with men who did not want to lick me, not only at work that was well understood, but also at a personal level. At the same time the same men were expecting me to offer them the same oral pleasure!

Men who didn't want to play with my clit, for example, or did it by chore and that was it !!! Or they didn't know exactly how to play with their fingers down there and in the end the experience was poor or very unsatisfactory !! So I found it very difficult to get orgasms and many times I had to bend my orgasms to make my partner feel bad.

What I didn't know precisely because I was younger and much more infinite, is that when we talk about sex and the experience we share with another person, there is no need. Communication is the A and the Z.
We need to explain to our partner what we like and what we don't, what we want and what we don't want, and learn to set boundaries and say no if something is not for us and does not do us, even if it means we will annoy the other !

Sex is a game for two (or three or four) and everyone should be satisfied with this game and be able to enjoy it the same !!! So I have since decided to never pretend again and it really was the best decision I've ever made!

I learned that all it takes is proper communication and patience !!! Since then all my sexual intercourse has been very satisfying. All you need to do is get in the process of getting interested and finding out what your partner likes, so you can have a good time.

The reason we have sex, after all, is to have fun !!!!

The next important part of a sexual experience is consent !!

I have heard many people believe that asking for another's consent during a sexual act is offensive and annoying to them. My only thought was: Really ???

How is it possible to get off the hook to get into the process of finding out whether all that is really like and to the other and enjoys it and wants it and that it just doesn't make it out of obligation ???

We all have boundaries, things we do not like or things we do not like and at the moment or with this particular person just do not come out to us. It is quite normal and we have to learn to express it and discuss it with our partner. in bed.

Nobody knows you and your body better than you, so it is extremely important to express your needs or dislikes, as well as to listen to your partner and respect his or her own.

It is important to do things that you really want and need. Concerning the Call Girls of course there is the factor of work !!!

Obviously at work sometimes you may not have the absolute appetite to offer something. Either because you are tired, or because your mood is not right for this game at the moment, or for other reasons.

It's a little different there because it's your job. However, if you offer a specific service and the customer has chosen you for this reason, you will do it and do it in the best possible way to your satisfaction.

But in your personal relationships outside of work, if you don't want something you just have to say a neat NO.

The fact that you like a man and get in bed with him and want to have sex with him does not automatically mean that many people think you will do everything. Not everything is for everyone and not all people are the same. Appetite and chemistry play a role.

In general I believe that the most serious issue in human relationships, whether sexual or not, is lack of communication.

For any relationship to be healthy and enjoyable, there must be communication, comfort and understanding. Everything else is coming and going !!!