The most "annoying" questions you can ask a companion!

The most "annoying" questions you can ask a companion!
We are talking about various things Call Girls and Escort Boys and we share with you their stories, their experiences, and their views on their work.

Most people are full of questions about the people who work in the area and usually most of the questions are the same of all these people!

Which of these questions would everyone want escorts stop listening? Which ones are the most annoying?

We have collected the Top and we present it to you!

  • Your parents know you are Escort;

This is a very common and very naive question. Every family is different, just like every person. Also, not all parents are open-minded. So for these people, this issue is obviously taboo!

A session must handle such situations with family, friends etc people with whom he has a close relationship. So family-related questions can stir up bad memories.

If a girl wants to discuss it, she'll do it on her own. It is a good idea not to ask or try to raise this issue!

  • Why don't you get a regular job?

Okay, we all know that someone who asks this question doesn't do it out of curiosity, but because he actually believes that what a person does Call Girl ή Escort Boy, it's not a regular job.

It's not ok !!!

The escorts they work just as hard as everyone else, sometimes even more so.

Also, most people, if they were trying to survive in the space for a few days or manage what one needs to manage session, they probably wouldn't.

In the mind of the average person there is that one session, just shows up, has sex and disappears. Which is not true at all.

This job requires a lot more than that! She is tiring, physically and not only and she needs strong nerves! So, it is rude to suggest that this is not a "normal" job!

  • What will you do when you are too big for this job?

I didn't know that sex has an age limit. We could ask celebrities like Dita Von Teese, who has surpassed 40 or infinite Call Girls much older.

Various people of many ages believe that from one point on, a woman is too big to do this profession anymore.

Have you ever heard someone ask, "What are you going to do when you are too old to be a chef?" or "Did you think you were too old to work in customer service?"

The point is that regardless of industry, there is virtually no age limit. It has to do with man, his endurance, his physical and mental state and how well he can perform.
  • How can I do that?

It is not nuclear physics, nor does it need any magic skills.

No one can tell you that if you do this or that, you can get into the profession and be successful. As in many other professions, simple things play a part.

How much you want it, whether you are qualified to do it, how much you enjoy it, how much you hunt it and how much you are willing to work hard to make it possible. Something that works for me may not work for someone else and vice versa.

If you are interested in the space, you can look for it, get in touch with an office and try to see in practice if it does and if you can handle it!

The fact that this particular job is about sex and not about accounting does not change anything.

  • Is your match ok with your job?

None / none session it wouldn't be his fate if it wasn't ok !!!

Also NO ONE he should never allow his mate or his other half to choose how he will live his life.

As long as this thing you do does no harm to anyone - and sex does no harm to anyone - it is clearly your choice how to manage your time, your life and your body.

The man who has chosen to be with you has done it consciously, knowing who you are and what you are doing. So to be there, it's OK with your life choices !!!

  • Do you like your job;

There are some Call Girls and Escort Boys who have chosen this particular career, because they found themselves in a financial impasse!

But basically, the professionals in the field have chosen to do the job because they like it.

They like sex, contact with people, free time, very good earnings. Overall, they like their lifestyle, but also what this particular job offers !!

  • Does your job make you feel less human?

It's one of the worst questions one can ask in one Call Girl!

A woman who consciously does this job knows how to manage her emotions and feels good about what she is doing.

Asking if anyone feels less human in this profession is like implying they are less human!

Feels the same as everyone else, has difficulties, concerns, problems etc like anyone in any other industry !!

  • Don't you think you are too beautiful to do this job?

Probably the most "stupid" and mostly unfounded question of all!

No one would ask a model eg if she thinks she is too beautiful to be a model! So why one companion;;

People who choose one's companion escort, they are looking for something beautiful, something remarkable. So obviously a beautiful girl fits into this space and there is nothing "very beautiful" to do this job.

Why don't you get less money or why do you get so much money?

As in any other field, everyone is costing something as he or she thinks it should and should be worth. For anyone to think that this is the right price for the X service or X product, then obviously they have studied it.

So if you went somewhere and thought that coffee or food was expensive, you could just go somewhere else. You wouldn't get in the process of asking why they don't sell cheaper food. The entrepreneur has decided that this has something to offer as a business, whether or not to choose it is quite another matter!

So staying in the same logic, because one should ask one companion why doesn't it lower its prices?

According to the Call Girls that we talked about, these are the most "annoying" questions of people around their work ..

Obviously you can ask things, obviously it is normal to have questions. Just not them!

You can ask what it is like to know so many people, how interested they are, how many years one has worked as a Coke attendant. Nonsensical things that show interest without hiding behind taboos !!
