One-sided love: When a client falls in love with a companion

When a client inquires escort

The first client to talk about serious love and marriage was about 9 years ago. Let's call him Costa. This happened when I was living abroad. I was then a very young girl who did not fully understand how critical the issues of a man's heart were. I had met this customer Costas once, and then, unknowingly, I made such an impression, and he quickly became a regular and generous regular customer. He was a simple character, kind-hearted and generous so I quickly started enjoying his company as a customer. Ever since he came to see me so often, I finally became comfortable too, so that I could go out with him in public. We started going out to dinners and theatrical performances together. To me, Costas was just a customer and a wonderful person whose company was very nice - but nothing more. But for him, it was so much more. I was young and unaware of his intentions. It did not seem to me until later that he was trying to shape me with the hopes of winning me over.

During this time, I also met my ex-fiancé as a client. My ex, though, was someone I really felt connected to - and very quickly we became a couple and then we started living together. As soon as my ex and I started living together, I cut off all non-professional communication with Kostas. And very quickly, I decided to abruptly end the business relationship with him. I was busy with my ex, so I felt that seeing Kostas was very time consuming. At this point, I was shocked to discover that Costas had the impression that we would make it more formal and stay together. He started showing up at my house or at the hotel where I worked, waiting.

I was surprised and shocked because I had zero feelings for him and only considered him as another customer. the only exception was that I was closer to him as a client because I saw him very often. Costas had the best of intentions, but he confused my kindness for something serious, which made him panic when I suddenly left him. It was my fault for not describing my intentions to him. In hindsight, I should have clarified my position - and in addition, I should have stated early on that I was not interested in anything other than a client-escort relationship. But again, I was young and I knew nothing about love, so I was innocent. This was a huge lesson for me and a lesson I still have to apply to this day: clear your intentions early and never play with one's heart.

This example with Kostas happened when I was very young. I had no intention of misleading anyone or playing with their feelings - it is my greatest fear to date to exploit someone's heart. I made mistakes and they really caused pain. But I also know the pain of cheating, so I would not like to cheat on someone intentionally. I just ignored in my early days in escort how to deal with clients who became soldering irons or fell in love. I was one of Escorts that didn't care too much about whether anyone was feeling something and why. I saw it professionally.

And then the story of my ex-fiancé who again, I was young and naive while I was with him. I loved him, but I was not sure what I wanted through our relationship. I was afraid to settle down with him so quickly and that is why I tried many times to leave him early in my relationship. Out of love, I felt unfair to stay with him when my heart was not sure what he wanted. But whenever I expressed my desire to leave him, I saw his eyes and felt like a mother who abandoned her child. This was my first true relationship, so I did not know the rules or consequences of love. So after two years, I ended up leaving him. I was not sure what I wanted in my whole relationship - I was poisoned with thoughts. He dreamed of marriage and family and I killed that dream for him. Everything was unintentional. Years later, as soon as I faced rejection, I realized how dangerous love is when there is no structure or morality to guide it.

Now, the above examples show that ignoring and ignoring is part of having new and inexperienced people. But you will see many more testimonies such as that of Alchemy with different incidents. We hope that eventually we will learn the empathy (the ability to think about the feelings of others) that distinguishes them from childhood to adulthood. Unfortunately, some people do not have a sense of sympathy - they kill souls and do not feel remorse. But others learn through trial and error. I had to be the neglector and neglect myself to learn the valuable lesson of sympathy in love: not playing with some heart, not using someone, not making empty promises and most importantly, being clear with your intentions.
