Paid love

Paid love

Every woman is cheated! Surely she will already know that her husband goes once a day to sites that offer ads for women looking for men in Athens! After all, paid love is something common!
Strange behaviors or becoming secretive or refusing to show their computer or smartphone screen are all signs that will make someone suspicious!

I won in gambling and I eat them on visits 


Sex ads

Let's start with the fact that all men are generally unusual in being able to adequately hide browsing prohibited websites! As the Adultclub and Athens escorts! Whether they are married or in a relationship! When a man sees a lot of pussies he goes crazy! Due to the high frequency of visits, sooner or later he will forget to delete his history and will be discovered to be in contact with businessmen and whores via Internet! Paid love is stuck in his mind!
Anyone who enters such websites is definitely not a bad person! And it has nothing to do with the upbringing he has received!
If in his opinion talking to others or paying to sleep with an escort is not infidelity! Perhaps for his partner it is infidelity in the true sense of the term!
Even the most progressive city of Europe would most likely not accept such behavior! He would also wonder why on earth a busy man should pay to satisfy his sexual needs? Is market love so important?


Anal sex with Russian women in Santorini

Communication with visits

Well, this does not necessarily mean that there is a crisis in the relationship or marriage!
He may be ashamed to ask for "special services" from the mother of his children! The search for ATHENS ESCORTS it is still taboo today.
While he has no problem asking a stranger for it!
First of all, the anal sex, is something that pleases men because it shows off κυριαρχία! But which repels women because of hygiene, of submission, of pain and humiliation!
Nine times out of ten, once women find out, they get angry and try to come up with the usual dumb excuses! Like the pop-up accidentally opened and showed sex ads or because he was just curious!
Maybe he had to do some research or it was his first time, but then he immediately shut it down, and so on!
In fact, no one knows if it was by chance that he opened these websites or if there was direct personal contact between him and the attendants!
By now everyone knows how it works: first, they communicate via email or chat or communicate via phone call! They then arrange where to meet. If the client and the luxury escort agree, the appointment is made and the paid romance follows!


Frostbite, trends and pornography

The secret dates and the statistics

Even figures on prostitution in Europe show that between 3 and 9 million men go to escorts and prostitutes on a regular basis! A punch in the stomach good enough! To really make you wonder what kind of man you share your bedroom and life with!
It must be said that men, compared to women, have an increased sexual curiosity and also need eye contact to be aroused.
Women are not always puritanical! But they also sometimes like bold videos and other visual stimuli to liven it up relationship!
However, when it comes to paid love... it's another thing to go to a website and see the price and services that may provide! And another thing to visit them more than twice a week!
As many women look at their call history, if they discover a recurring number that coincides with visits to the site's home page. There is definitely a high possibility that the couple will break up! With the end result of separation and divorce or of course he can think about it! The urge is the need for new, transgressive and satisfying sex!
Which consists of all those things that the partner used to do, but no longer does or never wanted to do! Paid love is a solution for men!

Maid for sex


Paid love

Some believe that this is not infidelity at all! Because it's work! Since it is done with a professional and moreover, a foreigner! It ends there! 
A man usually doesn't decide to date me prostitute within a few days!
He thinks about it for months of unfulfilled or not quite satisfied desires!
The momentum, in this case, is held back only because of the high prices! And the thought that the employee at sex, after him, he will work with others and fully satisfy them too! Probably the professional women's website got in there once!
Maybe it's really just out of curiosity and it's worth a dialogue to help understand his reasons and whether the partner will forgive him or not.
In the end, always the Women they decide, even in the relationship!
