7 Ways to Rekindle Your Libido

7 Ways to Rekindle Your Libido

Sexuality tends to slowly decline over the years of the relationship, how can we reverse the course? How to find a free and satisfying sexuality for both of you?

7 tips to revive your libido

The loss of libido, with the passage of time and the years of the relationship, is one of the most common complaints in couples therapy. It is often the males who complain, but the cases in which women are not satisfied with the sexual part of the relationship are increasing. How can this be improved? How rekindle the spark under the sheets, in the washing machine or on the couch at home ;

What it is the important thing is not to achieve more but to improve . Frequency is not the only measure of libido, the feelings with which one deals with love are also important.

When you look forward to sex and feel good before, during and after, it means your libido is high, let's now see how to combat its loss or slow decay.

1) Exercise and increase libido

When you have no desire, you feel stuck. Movement is important, both figuratively and concretely. It allows people to melt. Do a sport, go for a walk, with or without your partner. If you already walk, run or exercise, try to challenge yourself a little more so that you feel a sense of accomplishment and vitality. Physical safety will be reflected in sexual safety. A

2) Keep expectations realistic

It is important to remember that not all sexual encounters have to be perfect , this helps relieve performance anxiety. According to statistics, only 40-50% of sexual manifestations are mutually satisfactory. If you politely joke about times when things don't go perfectly, you're both likely to experiment next time, because it takes some of the pressure and guilt away.

3) Use your imagination to combat loss of libido

Nowadays, exploring romantic fantasies is now considered good practice by therapists. If you want your partner to share your forbidden thoughts, you might want to explore and talk about movies that feature both female and male fantasies. After sharing yours, ask your partner what his hidden desires are: it is not necessary to act on them, just knowing them adds flavor to sensual encounters. Ask how they want their partner to please them, this is also a fantasy but not always defined that way. Many think of waiting for one Escort to a hotel.

4) Build anticipation to combat loss of libido

There is a widespread idea that sex should be spontaneous , without planning, that he must follow the instinct of the moment. With a job, a family and in real life, there may not be enough hours in the day to wait for the perfect conditions. I suggest using planning as an opportunity to build anticipation and increase desire. Enjoy the details: give your partner a small gift, put on your favorite music, turn off the phones and hire a babysitter to take the kids to a big movie so there are no interruptions.

5) Focus on the whole body to increase libido

For men in particular, sexuality tends to focus primarily on the genitals, while focusing on other erogenous zones can reduce performance pressure and add new pleasure. It is no coincidence that the best visits of Athens they take off the senses.

Speaking of sexual satisfaction, the transition from arousal to orgasm does not necessarily have to be limited to the genitals. Caress the whole body, with long and toned movements , this increases the pleasure for you and your partner. Be focused on enjoying all the moments of the relationship, not just reaching the goal. Tease, touch and take your time.

6) Talk about what you want to increase libido

Talking about sexuality is difficult even at the best of times, but it's even more difficult if that aspect of the relationship hasn't been there for some time. So if you can't talk, pick up one of the dozens of great sex books out there and read a chapter together, look at the pictures, smile, and let your partner know you're willing to improve your sexuality.

7) Specialists can help combat loss of libido

When you have an electrical problem, you call an electrician, right? Relationship experts are just as helpful when it comes to loss of libido, so get over your resistance to asking for help, you'll be surprised at the improvements you can make.
