Rules of Conduct When You Get a Call Girl

Rules of Conduct When You Get a Call Girl

Whatever job you do, when it comes to people, it can become extremely irritating and make your nervous system rag. However, no other person in another industry needs to have as close contact with clients as an escort. Which means that especially in this job, there are plenty of things one can do that will make the Call Girls or they will annoy them.

As a customer, you may not even realize that you are doing something wrong or that you are becoming a spy. In most cases, unless you do something dangerous or dangerous, the girl is just not going to tell you. She will be patient, do her job and leave.

We asked enough Call Girls, to tell us what habits - customer behaviors irritate them, alienate them, annoy them, etc. So let's see what we should not do !!!
  1. Don't look at the watch !!

Looking at your watch to be sure that you will "win" every second you are entitled to escort, guaranteed to turn it off. No customer likes it Call Girls who watch their watch constantly, as if they are in a hurry or because they are in a hurry. So looking at the watch yourself reduces it and implies that it will try to "steal" you and leave earlier.

So instead of fooling around with the clock, focus on it. In the time you have together, in sex, in company, in the whole experience of both of you! Of course you do not want the time to run out, when you have a good time and unfortunately when you have a good time, the innocent is fast passing by. But don't set a timer or alarms to make sure you run out of time all the time, because dating ends up being about sex or that your girlfriend has something to offer and gets cold and uncomfortable.

  1. Don't be rude!

Don't talk sharply, downplayed or badly to your companion. She's there to give you pleasure, she's a working girl and above all she's human. With dignity and personality. The fact that instead of serving you coffee will make you feel sexually satisfied, not only should it not make you feel inferior, but make you more respectful. They are paid women to give you what you lack, to satisfy your fantasies, to give you special moments.

  1. Don't ask things you already know!

In general, women, regardless of work, do not like men who do not respect the "rules". When you book an escort, you have already seen her page or informed the office about what she does and does not do. If you get one Call Girl for a simple program, do not ask for anal while you already know that it does not. If you want a companion for a game of Copy and you know the girl is not doing it, do not ask for it after she has come to an appointment. Do not ask for a finish in your mouth, knowing that the girl does not. In general, be specific about the services you want to receive so that the office can send you the right girl for you. By asking for things after the girl is already there, you put her in a difficult position and you certainly do not like her.

  1. Don't be dirty!

It makes sense that you can sweat after many hours at work or if it is too hot. But do a swim before the girl comes or after she comes. It's important to be clean. Being paid to be there does not mean that it has to tolerate poor hygiene. You are waiting to lick you, touch you, kiss you and have sex with you !!! You must be clean! The same is true for your space. If you don't go Call Girl in a hotel, but calling your home, made sure the conditions are human. Be clean, clean sheets or generally neat to lay coke. I'm not telling you to be generic or be all in hair, but garbage, cockroaches, years of dirt, poor bathing etc are things that are not allowed for any reason and will probably result in no girl ever wanting to come to your place again.

  1. Don't get sick at an appointment!

As we said above about hygiene, the girl who comes there will have very close contact with you. So if you have the flu or are sick, it might be best to postpone your appointment for another day. If you wouldn't like to see a girl who is visibly ill come to an appointment, don't do it too! Respect the girl who works and she would not want to get sick. This means that she will suffer unjustly and also be forced to stay out of work for a few days. Also, as you understand, it won't be nice to be on top of her and run her nose or sneeze at her. Get better and make an appointment then.

  1. Don't ask for her phone!

The fact that in order to make an appointment with a girl, you called the office, says it all. It means that the girl does not work independently, she does not want to work independently and by asking her phone, you will simply put her in a difficult position and make her unreliable. Respect her choice of how she works and don't try to see her outside the office to save some money. The girl will definitely take it to the office and that will make you look "bad".

  1. Don't try to give less money!

Before the girl finds you, the office has told you to rate her according to her time and services. Wanting to pay less then underestimating her will obviously make you stingy and stupid. You also risk that neither the girl nor the office will want to work with you again.

  1. Don't ask her to make an appointment!

The girl is there to have fun and offer her services. He is a professional and will do his best for you. Of course there can be chemistry between you and have a great time. But this does not mean that the girl is looking for a partner or wants to go out with her clients. You do not know if he is free, married, if he has a family, if he is looking, many if. Do not embarrass her by asking her out on a date. Enjoy the time you have together to have a good time and leave the "above" aside. That way you will both be happy!
