Why escort and not studio

Why escort and not studio

The Red lights

Some of those who are currently reading this article may have visited a brothel in the past. So they have an opinion based on experience.
Others have heard various information from friends, from discussions in the Army or from friends and relatives.

The so-called "brothels" as we call them in slang or otherwise "studios" are places that offer erotic services.
In the "houses" with the red light as we knew from the past, prostitutes work in shifts and it is always open for everyone.

In the time of our parents but also in the past, it was very common to have "unborn",  amoustic boys, to lose their virginity in the bourbon hooks of the era.

Historically, we find them in Trouba of Piraeus and in Ladadika of Thessaloniki.
A well-known prostitute during the Nazi Occupation was the Russian Gabriela Usakova in Athens.

The bourdettes in Europe

In modern times, we all know the red lights in Amsterdam, with the prostitutes standing in front of the shop windows and is a source of tourist income in the Netherlands, with profits of 90 billion euros in the year 2019.
It has been one of the attractions of the country for many years.

Sex in 2020

In our Greece, things are different now.
The sex industry has evolved a lot.
You can choose from many women and have them at your place at any time.
The model of prostitute prostitution and street prostitution has become an escort girls, models or next door that take your erotic pleasure whenever you want.
Easy, fast, successful.

"Play ball at home"

Why escort and not studio?
From the comfort of your home and with very simple steps you choose the escort girl or boy who you want to offer you erotic services or to accompany you to a dinner, an event or a trip. You have the opportunity to call any escort 24 hours a day, wherever you are.

In the detention centers you will have to visit the area first and second, you should find yourself in the awkward position of waiting your turn with others.

Enjoy without limits

You have the option to call escort and if you want to enjoy it more than you originally agreed, you can do it.
And so the one-hour appointment, to end up in 2 hours-3 hours-4 hours etc, maximum enjoyment.

Unlike the limited time houses and within that time, there is a specific program.
That way, there can be no extra intimacy because time is running out and the next customer is waiting.
This creates stress and you can not relax as much as you want.
As a result, you feel that you are "thrown out" and that you just "threw" your money.

In your space you have her ability treat the escort girl to a drink that will come to your home or hotel, take a shower together, talk in general, dine together and feel that she likes you and that sex is not possible, just to be done.

Uncomfortable atmosphere

While you wait in the brothel, you see a lot of people coming in and out. This creates an even more uncomfortable atmosphere.
Another benefit of escort is that you don't know who had sex before having sex with you.

The studio space is generally inconvenient and you do not want to enjoy the program.
There is no comfort and no proper feeling needed to feel comfortable and relaxed.
It is a stranger's place to you that with where you come in, everything pushes you out.
It has absolutely nothing to do with being in a place you have chosen.
For example at a hotel or your home.


The good and the bad, basic elements but also details, make the difference and give quality to the erotic services…
Now you know Why escort and not studio…
