Research: Top fantasies of men and women in Greece

top fantasies

Hidden or revealing?

We have all thought for a while how much we would like to know what our partner imagines and what his secret love desires are.
Many of us, however, do not reveal the secret longing us…
Our great wishes are left untouched and unscrupulous.
As if they have to be permanently sealed and stuck in a tightly closed drawer of our minds.

Either offended, out of fear, out of taboos or stereotypes.
So what are the top fantasies?

The research revealed the following for men:

  • Most men feel much better during sex when they are not in love.
  • They have imagined having sex in the toilets of a bar.
  • They have imagined having sex with two women at the same time.
  • They have fantasized about having sex with someone they know - not their partner - for example with their wife's girlfriend.
  • They have the fantasy of having sex in an unusual place (eg in a toilet or at work).
  • They have fantasized that "they catch the eye" women who play erotically with each other.
  • For most, location and atmosphere are central to their fantasies.
  • Many imagine that they end up on their erotic partner.
  • They have imagined having sex in a romantic location (eg on a deserted beach on a Greek island)
  • They have imagined having sex with their partner.

As for women:

  • Women like to experience romantic feelings while having sex.
  • Imagine having sex at unconventional out-of-home places such as on a quiet, deserted street or beach, in the office, in a public toilet and in a suite.
  • They have imagined being involved in group sex.
  • They have imagined that they have oral sex.
  • They have imagined that they are masturbating by their partner.
  • They have imagined that they masturbate their partner.
  • They have fantasies in which they have sex with their male friend.
  • They have imagined that they are dominated by love.

In conclusion

These are the top fantasies of both sexes.
Beloved… the forbidden, is proved through this research…
Both sexes have imagined cheating on their partner and even with people like their partner's friends or girlfriends.
Research has also shown that both men and women love sexual activity outside the home, in private places, with a slight suspicion that they can be caught in the "leeks" !!! Orgies are a common fantasy that despite this, many times it remains unacknowledged or remains a thought.

On the other hand, women inwardly ask to submit to a sovereign man.

Why not make everything simpler?

Let's confess to those who raise our libido, let's enjoy sex, pleasure and most of all let us liberate ourselves virtually by telling and expressing the truth.
The more we do not express our top fantasies, the more distance I get from the sex we deserve and long for…

Dare… today!
