Love Stories

A look at the sexiest love stories and passion confessions of our countless escorts and clients not only from Athens but from all over Greece! We delve into hot revelations and some guilty and daring secrets!

Men narrate the hedonistic encounters with escorts and also with love partners who have passed away! Female escorts tell details about their meetings and also about the love adventures of their lives!

Spicy, ticklish love stories that are worth reading and left to the world of sensuality and "seduction"…

Tantric sex is a new way of sexual connection that allows you to access deeper levels of emotion, sensation and energy and ultimately more of what you really...
"What is your zodiac sign ;" It might not be the first question you ask before getting into bed with someone, but there's one reason you might want to know...
Zoe (we have changed her name) is 20 and works for a company as a salesperson in the Center of Athens. She says she and her boyfriend like...
A foot fetish is a sexual interest in feet. In other words, your feet, toes, and ankles are irritating. This particular preference...